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Bruker사는 1974년 FT-IR을 시작으로 광학 분석장비 시장에 많은 연구와 개발로 새로운 기준을 설립했습니다.

그리고 현재는 지속적인 기술 개발과투자로 최고의 품질과 우수한 성능을 자랑하는 회사로 성장했습니다.

독일 Bruker Optics 사의 한국 지사인 Bruker Optics Korea는 분석장비의 원활한 국내 보급은 물로 양질의 교육지원과 보다 신속하고 정확한 서비스를 하고자 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

저희 회사에 관심을 보여주신 여러분께 대단히 감사를 드리며, 앞으로도 더욱 더 우수한 성능의 제품, 양질의 교육과 서비스를 목표로 고객 만족을 최우선으로 하는 회사가 되도록 노력하겠습니다.


Routine 한 QC와 R&D 목적으로 활용 가능한 Low-resolution NMR 분광기로써, 다양한 액세서리와 Probe를 이용하여 시료의 정성 및 정량 분석을 실행 할 수 있습니다.

the minispec mq series
The R&D100 award-winning minispec mq series is ready to be configured and extended to perfectly fit your QC and R&D needs. the minispec mq series offers the most comprehensive range of measurement frequencies known today, ranging from 7.5 MHz with large sample diameter, via 10 MHz, 20 MHz and 40 MHz, to the unparalleled mq60 with 60 MHz operating frequency.

While the minispec mq-one series features the best possible performance-to-footprint ratio for common QC applications, the minispec mq series offers multi-application support and a wide range of upgrade features, like tool-free exchangeable probes, variable temperature probes and pulsed field gradient systems.


Your Application is not listed above?
In case, your QC and R&D application is not listed above, please contact us. The extensive range of applications possible with the minispec mq would certainly exceed the page limit.

Key features of the minispec mq series•Multinuclear and variable frequency (2 - 65 MHz)´
• Wide range of magnet fields, unique 60 MHz system
• Ethernet connection from PC to minispec electronic unit.
• Remote control, system logging and daily check.
• Bruker minispec application pool containing all standard and advanced applications.
• Wide range of probe heads (absolute, ratio, combined, temperature controlled, gradients), temperature range: -100 to +200 °C
• Fast magnet warm-up and precise digital temperature regulation for ultimate results stability.
• Tool-free exchange of Plug-n-Play probes with auto-recognition
• Linear transmitter with digital pulse attenuation (optional).
• Higly linear fast signal detection.
• Virtually unlimited number of pulses and echoes.
• Shaped RF and gradient pulses (optional).
• zero maintenance units with no direct air exchange
• proven track record, long MTBF
• minispec application support, direct contact to the Headquarters
• ...
