tape binder / tapener _ Migic Binder
MGI was established in 2009. Since then the growth in Korea's agricultur has been substantial.
To help with the difficulty of binding vine, the early 1980 Magic Binder helped serious labor shortages and being well priced, sold well in the local marlet.
The new MagicBinder was for more efficient than the traditional clasp tape prior to this, greenhouse farming had experienced difficulties with inferior claps with were susceptible to climatic fluctuations. Our company is committed to ongoing research and innovation in an industry whose technology is constantly changing.
tape binder / tapener _ Migic Binder
What is a MigicBinder?
It is machine used to bind fruits crops such as grapes, cucumbers, sesame, pumpkins, kiwi, tomatoes and redpeppers.
the MagicBinder is simple and can do the work of several people
(Attaching 2 eiastic springs and blade 1 for handle achieve simple repair, The binder comes with spare parts.)
The MB-2000 and MB-3000 does not pollute the ground with scraps of tape.
If used correctly the machine is durable.
It is simple to use and light.
It is inexpensive so it makes having a spare machine an affordable option.
It does not pollute the ground with scraps of tape.
If used correctily the machine is durable
and correct operation, soft operation
also fixed string binding for branches.
this machine advanced MB-2000type
It does not pollute the ground with scraps of tape.
If used correctly the machine is durable
and correct operation, soft operation
also fixed string binding fot branches.
It is simple and more soft
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